Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is marching band?
Marching band is a group of instrumental musicians and color guard performers that coordinate movements with a musical performance, for the purpose of exercise, entertainment, and competition. The typical instrumentation includes, woodwinds, brass, percussion, and color guard. The Marching Band performs frequently in the community, at football games, and performance competitions.
Is everyone in Marching Band?
Yes, all High School band students are in marching band. All students are required to learn the music and marching skills taught during our band camps, and learned within their sectionals. However, weekly assessments determine which students will march during our performances and competitions. Omission from shows does not necessarily hurt the student’s band grade. Students are encouraged to always practice and work on their skills.
What happens if I do not earn a spot for a show?
If a student is not adequately prepared for performance, he/she may be assigned by the director to serve as an “alternate” for that week. He/she will still attend the game in full uniform, perform in the stands and do all other activities associated with the band that night. However, during the pre-game/halftime show, the student will stand at attention and watch the show from the sidelines. The student still receives full credit for attending the game. The following week, the student will have the opportunity to demonstrate readiness for the next week’s performance. Historically, if a student has attended all rehearsals leading up to a performance, he/she nearly always earns a performing spot.
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